Success Story: Lauren Powers

“I’m not a runner.”  Ann always laughs when she hears me say this, because she knows better.  Everyone who wants to be a runner, can be…with some training!  Under Ann’s guidance, I successfully elevated my ‘shedding for the wedding’ goal into something much greater.  I now think about working out much differently and have made lifestyle changes to prioritize running, weight training, and healthy eating.



While the numbers speak for themselves – I shed twenty pounds and improved my half marathon time by over a minute per mile – I am most proud of the physical and mental transformation Ann helped me achieve with respect to my approach to fitness.  I am now much more diligent about planning my workouts and excited to start them, and this is all because Ann helped me train my mind and body to feel more confident and prepared.  Not only do I have more energy and endurance than ever before, but I am stronger, faster, and better educated about cardio and weight training.

I initially put my trust in Ann because of her extensive academic and practical training, but it was her passion for fitness, running, and her clients that got me excited to train with her on a regular basis.  I could not be happier with the results Ann pushed me to achieve.