I was sure that there was another level I could get to if I could dial my nutrition in further. So I decided, in the interest of science, to put myself through a pair of hard workouts on the Woodway; the first I would do having eaten “whatever I wanted” the night before, and the second having followed a day of dietary prescriptions from Ann.
Incorporating Formula Classes Into Your Race Training
Hey gang!
If you've been to one of our classes, you know we aim to improve your strength, stamina, and function while having some fun along the way.
Lately, I've been having a lot of discussions with our clients about how to incorporate Formula classes into their training for upcoming races, so I wanted to summarize my recommendations here.
Climbing the Ladder: Ken Begins Life with Formula
It only took a few steps on the Woodway to convince me that it was not your ordinary treadmill. It is nice to be able to do speed work in a controlled and predictable environment . . . I was impressed that the Woodway provides a much gentler impact than any other medium I have run on, including my preferred surface, dirt. That seems particularly beneficial when ramping up the speed.